Messages can be sent asynchronously and placed in a message queue or pile until you are ready to "process" them. 可将消息异步发送并放置在一个消息队列或堆上,直至您准备“处理”它们。
The manufacturer receives the purchase order from the message queue and processes it. 制造商接收来自消息队列的购买订单并处理它。
When using a message queue product like WebSphere MQ, it is possible to implement asynchronous messages using JMS. 使用像WebSphereMQ这样的消息队列产品时,可以使用JMS来实现同步消息。
MOM is a type of asynchronous messaging model framework based around a message queue. MOM是一种基于消息队列的异步消息模型框架。
The distributed design relies on a message queue to handle the asynchronous component-to-component communications. 分布式设计依赖于一个消息队列来处理组件对组件的异步通信。
Changes from source tables are published in XML format or other data formats to a message queue. 源表的变更将以XML格式或是其它数据格式发布到消息队列。
Now it was time to get a message queue. 现在,是时候使用一个消息队列了。
Nova API and the scheduler use the message queue as the Invoker, whereas Network and Compute act as workers. novaAPI和调度程序使用消息队列作为Invoker,而Network和Compute充当了工人。
This code sample shows how an EJB component might access a message queue resource, using connection objects. 代码样本显示了EJB组件如何使用连接对象来访问消息队列资源。
It retrieves its orders from the message queue and performs VM create and delete tasks using the hypervisor's API. 它从消息队列中检索其订单,并使用虚拟机管理程序的API执行虚拟机的创建和删除任务。
A sample project for a Trade System application is provided with this article, in which the touchpoints, events, actions, intermediate objects, and message queue connectors are already defined. 本文中提供了交易系统应用程序的示例项目,其中已经定义了接触点、事件、操作、中间对象和消息队列连接器。
It is a worker daemon picking network-related tasks from message queue. 它是一个工人守护进程,从消息队列读取与网络有关的任务。
An instance of the Handle Order process is initiated once the order message is read from the message queue. 一旦从消息队列中读取到订单消息,将发起一个HandleOrder流程的实例。
This user will administer the message queue. 此用户将管理消息队列。
It establishes a connection to the message queue and sends messages. 它建立与消息队列的连接并发送消息。
The individual messages are obtained from the queue by calling the receive method of the message_queue class. 通过调用messagequeue类的receive方法从队列获取消息。
The classes also allow access to information about a message on a message queue. 这些类还允许访问关于消息队列上的某条消息的信息。
But a message queue or set of input arguments can also be thought of as a data source. 但是,消息队列或一系列输入参数也可以作为数据源。
Now, let's explore another popular mechanism for interprocess communication: the message queue. 现在,研究另一种流行的进程间通信机制:消息队列。
Queued Updating Subscriptions: write to message queue failed. 排队更新订阅:写入消息队列失败。
You can send string message, global variables message and data file message using Message Queue Task. 可用消息队列任务发送字符串消息、全局变量消息和数据文件。
Pending message queue did not empty within the specified time. 挂起消息队列未在指定的时间内清空。
The process could not add message to message queue. 进程无法将消息添加到消息队列中。
Enter the name of the private message queue to create on server "{ 0}". 输入要在服务器{0}上创建的私有消息队列的名称。
Restoring message queue { 0} to previous state. 正在将消息队列{0}还原到以前的状态。
Message Queue Task allows you to send or receive string, global variables, and data file messages when executing a DTS package. 消息队列任务允许您在执行包时发送或接收字符串、全局变量和数据文件消息。
Research on Database Synchronization Technology Based on Message Queue and XML 基于消息队列和XML的数据同步技术研究
The Design of the Message Queue Management Model from Exchange of Information Based JMS and XML 基于JMS和XML的信息交换中消息队列管理模型设计
One or more invalid Message Queue task properties have been found. 发现一个或多个无效的消息队列任务属性。
In the create message queue dialog box, type a name for your queue. 在“创建消息队列”对话框中,键入队列的名称。